At what age can my dog participate?

Ideally from six months. Contact us for further advice.

Do you have a first aid certification?

Yes, Jayne has completed a CPD accredited course in dog first aid and emergency canine care delivered by Dog First Aid.

The certificate can be found on the About page HERE.

Can I get in the pool with my dog?

Yes, adults can enter the pool with their own dogs, with one of us on hand for safety.

Please bring appropriate swimwear for the water conditions.

We recommend wearing leggings or a full length wet suit to keep warm and avoid scratches.

Can my dog eat before swimming?

Ideally it’s best not to feed your dog for up to 2 hours before swimming.

Can my dog come to swim if they’re recovering from an illness or injury?

Unfortunately not, unless you have written permission from your own vet.

Where is the pool and is it heated?

It’s located in a secure enclosed grassy paddock.

The pool is not heated.

Please bring appropriate swimwear for the water conditions if you plan to enter the pool.

Do I need to bring anything?

You may wish to bring waterproof’s to wear on the platform as you’ll likely get wet from the dogs as they shake.

We encourage guests to bring their dogs favourite treats and floating toys, but we also have plenty of toys on hand.

How long is safe for a dog to swim?

20 minutes is commonly recognised as a safe length of time for continuous swimming but if you have any concerns regarding your dog please consult your vet for professional advice.

What if my dog is reactive or unsociable with other dogs?

Not a problem, the session is just for you and your dogs with one of us on hand for safety.

We have a gap between sessions to try and prevent distractions from other guests who may arrive early.

Do you offer hydrotherapy services?

No, the pool is all about exercise and fun.

How do you keep the pool clean?

We physically clean the pool each day and use a filtration system that keeps the pool lovely and clear.