Standard Swim

What to expect on the day.


You’ll be greeted at our gated car park by Jayne or Chris.

We ask all guests to arrive promptly in order to get the fun underway on time!

We have a secure grass area for the dogs to stretch their legs and do any necessary business before the session commences.

You’re welcome to use our stables to change in if you’d like to get in the pool too.

If we feel it’s needed we’ll take this time to pop on one of our dog life jackets.

We’ll then keep dogs on leads as we make our way over to the pool area.


The pool is yours for the next 30 minutes with either Jayne or Chris on hand for safety and guidance.

Adults are welcome to get in the pool with their own dogs.

Our specially made platform and ramp allows us to introduce them to the water slowly, or let them dive right in.

Feel free to bring your dogs favourite treats and floating toys, but we also have lot’s of toys on hand.

Spectators can view from the side of the pool or on the platform, but please keep the platform gate closed once the session has begun and be warned, you will get wet!

Children are also welcome to spectate, but must be accompanied by an additional adult and will not be allowed in the pool or on the platform.


After your session, we’ll pop the dogs back on their leads and proceed back to the secure grass area.

You’ll have some time to dry the dogs, get changed and maybe grab a ice cream before you disembark and our next scheduled session commences.